Sunday, March 29, 2009

Give it up...

Dear readers, I was sitting down at the laptop with a German wheat beer to spin you another tale regarding the forthcoming aberdaber crackers and what do I see?

Our sad little self-elected ambassador Rove McManus on his very own highly over rated show creatively entitled...

Our fair hero set up an elaborate joke involving props, amazing coincidences, celebrity cameos and elaborate timing.

Actually, I tell a lie. When faced with this news story
Welsh Dwarf saved by pet Chihuahua
the best that could be scripted WELL in advance was:

"And just before she was rescued my friend tripped over her"
**Queue the side-splitting applause!**

Oh lord I nearly died... thats like me joking about my friend bumping into Yao Ming and saying "You're really tall!"
I mean obviously I cant say that cos Im tall too, so it was my friend!... witty, sooooo witty!

Rove, mate, one Aussie to 1/2 an Aussie... no, just no... give it up and go home.
Actually, no, go to the US they like REALLY obvious humour.

Actually, Rove, are you seeing anyone? There's a Welsh girl that needs some consoling and shes right up your alley.

See what I did there? hey?
What too soon?

Ok, back to your regular scheduled programming

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