Sunday, March 29, 2009

Crackers for Abber Dabbers - The Preparations

Good Evening lovers of the intahwebs. I am here to share with you the nerdy side... the side that Mrs pOWENed would prefer would stay hidden.
The part that makes me yell "COOL!" when I see new gadgets... I would like to point out that I am watching a flat screen TV because Mrs pOWENed bought it.

BTW, fellow nerds... this site should be on your daily:

So, this trip to Abu Dhabi constitutes the first in a LONG time, and its safe to say the first that really counts.
So naturally as a nerd, there are items that need to be updated before I can allow myself to leave the country:

1. The Camera

For all your best Up-Burqa shots you need a highly maneuverable , high resolution camera with a strong wrist strap for running like a girl away from the cops Balance this with the need for your camera to be weighty enough for cracking said cop in the head and you have yourself a tall order.

The Selection:
Canon Powershot G10

Cos 10 is better than 9, unless you're playing golf. If you are playing golf, you are surfing the net from the links and are a MASSIVE geek.
Go get yourself checked... its ok, we'll wait...

Its got stuff and lots of megapixels and a lens and stuff

Alright, here ya go, check it out from the Canon site.

And for those who just want a pretty picture

In all seriousness its very cool and Im a big fan of the photo's I have taken of the cat.

2. The Noise Cancelling Headphones

We all know there is a lot of background noise on a modern aeroplane, now to get the full experience from your wham tape on the walkman you need a set of noise cancelling headphones.
I can see Mrs pOWENed getting annoyed at me making fun of her beloved Wham now... by the way they will also be good for avoiding the extremely long winded defence of George Michael's vocal and song writing (seriously? "Wake me up before you go go") prowess (and that other bloke that noone knows)

The Selection:
Sennheiser PXC-250

The Reason:
Cos I love saying SENNHEIIIISER!!!! Sounds like a German porn position... "Helga, ve vill now chenge into ze sennheiser position!"

It makes noise AND stops it, did that just blow your mind? Yeah, I thought so.
Importantly, they fit on my big head and they plug into airline sockets... Win/Win!

Sennheiser (Helga?) makes them sound really impressive
What is Supra-aural? Does that mean it sounds like a dodgy Toyota sports car?

Must be tough trying to make headphones look exciting

3. The Portable Media Player

Ok, its time for the Walkman to go...go (See what I did there? More Wham references...Champagne comedy I tell you).
I havent previously had a need for an MP3 player as I'm always either in the car or have a stereo or PC nearby to play music from. No I dont listen to music while Im on the treadly as you can never hear the car that is about to smash you into a pulp... learn this you dopey cyclists!

So we need something to play lots of different media files, looks good and sounds good.
Oh and doesnt cost the same as a Hyundai... there ya go iPod lovers, you're out.

The Selection:
Creative Zen 4GB

he Reason:
Let me just recap a discussion had with the Exec Personal Assistant at work:

Yes, it was 1/4 of the price of your ipod
Yes, I can do whatever I like with the files
Yes, it does play whatever files I want... within reason
No, it doesnt make me install a massively convoluted piece of software with lots of little spammy offshoots just to add files

The Specifications:

I especially like the background music. The good people of Creative have deliberately chosen a piece of music that has no chance of finding itself on the product.

Finally and most importantly.
4. The Laptop

of course any self respecting nerd needs a PC for his own personal grubby mits and I'm no different. Considering this is my first laptop purchase, what does that say about my recent travel habits? Apparently though, there arent too many free wifi hotspots available in AberDabers so Ill have to stock it up with ass kickiness before heading over. Have no fear my loyal fans, I'm not going to abandon you... I will find a local sucker to leech off.

The Selection:

The Reason:
Naturally no self respecting nerd can purchase a run of the mill laptop that wont make other nerds go "OOOHH". Said nerd also needs as many of the comforts of home as possible, this would include the ability to go online and pOWEN noobs*.

With this in mind the MSI GX630 made me go "OOOOH" and in recent tests, down the pub with the boys, the results were also "OOOOH" so we are onto a winner
If you want the specs, go here...

Then I found an interesting fact, I could get the unit from the USA in 4 days for around $450 cheaper than the best price. The retailers were just about throwing in their grandmothers to make the deal. No I dont have an old woman living in my house doing my washing and cleaning up, dont worry... the shipping would have gone up too much.

Ill have to do a blog post on this one on its own, I can tell.
I'll get started on that now, damn work keeps getting in the way.

*If you dont know, you're too old... give it up ;)

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