Monday, March 30, 2009

Crackers for Aber Dabers - Part 2

So dear listeners, AberDabers isnt as far away now. We've just ticked over the 2 months to go mark. Preparations are going seamlessly and we're almost ready to declare preparations complete... that reminds me, I need a visa.

OI! This is the first time I've done this alright?! Don't smirk like that, it makes your face look buggy.

That brings me deftly on to the question of Alcohol. Happy now? You make me want to drink at 9am heehee.

Mrs pOWENed emailed me today from the kitty litter tray, where ironically it was raining all day yesterday, to tell me the hoop jumping needed to buy an Alcohol License.
Naturally the UAE is a muslim country, therefore alcohol is bad and so is pork products... I guess if you cant have a lot of Manhattans on a friday night then you really dont have as much use for Bacon and Eggs on a monday morning I guess.

And yes that is a bad thing!

Here is a list of the things that Mrs pOWENed must provide so that she is allowed to buy alcohol to consume in the privacy of her own home:

1. Passport... Check.
I guess thats not so unusual, a handy way to tell who the heathen drinkers of the demon drink are

2. Work Visa... Check.
It's really important that you have a job before you are allowed to drink alcohol... The number of unemployed bums that spend all their non-existent cash on alcohol is long and storied.

3. Salary Certificate from employer... Check.
That's right people, you have to declare how much you earn so they can tell you how much you
are allowed to spend! No more than 10% of your wage or Emir will smack.

4. Passport photos and an application form
It is a license after all, it cant be all evil.

So you have gathered all the documentation, had your employer think you're an alcoholic and been flash blinded by some random guy in a back alley photo shop and are ready to get your license.
Off you go to the Police Licensing Department out in the boonies and get quizzed by a disappointed man in a tea towel...
Only between 8am & 11am Sunday and Monday... and bear in mind, Sunday is the first day of the working week in AberDabers

Fear not listeners! I will have a beer in my undies while camped on the couch!
If you're good, Ill post photos.

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