Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Crackers for AberDabers - The Doha chronicles

Back in Dubai again after a long weekend in Doha in Qatar, or as I like to call it, the land of a thousand hangovers (thanks to Spiro the mad Greek Pom for that...). By the way Qatar is pronounced like Cutter, I constantly said it wrong.

Doha is the capital/only city in Qatar and is growing faster than the average American's waistline. In a previous blog I bagged the amount of money going into greening Abu Dhabi... after seeing Doha, thank God they do. First thing you'll notice is sand, and the second too probably.

The Mrs pOWENed's sister and hubby (Spiro) picked us up at the airport and introduced us to the next thing you'll notice, the drivers in AberDabers and Doobi might be bad, the average traffic in doha would be called a vehicular riot in Australia.
I would describe the road system as a succession of roundabouts of doom interspersed with drivers driving as fast as possible. Not a positive environment to be in when you were up late with a bro in law, a bottle of vodka and Kung Fu Hustle (A great movie by the way).

Notes for the Qatari Government...

1. Put in Jetways! Taking a bus to the terminal is just the pits
2. Traffic lights are your friend
3. Isnt there some foliage that grows there? If not, paint the rocks green

There was good times in Doha but they're all family related and I know you dont really care so just chuckle on buddy.

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