Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Random Driving observations from the land of sand

Sydney drivers suck.
Even though they had been driving for a relatively small amount of time and travel at close to the speed of light, the average quality of drivers was about 1000% better than in Sydney. The drivers actually know how wide and long their cars are for a start. I only saw 2 fender benders while I was in the UAE. Perhaps this is because the bad drivers have been killed in huge fireballs... hmmm that sounds heavenly

Many people had warned me about driving over there saying it was really dangerous etc. I soon worked out the proper tactics. Indicate where you're going, dont hesitate and drive like you want to in Oz. And for god's sake dont go slow.
For instance, coming up to a roundabout, if there's a gap, you go, if theres not, you stop... thats it. The other drivers expect you to use a gap, the ones behind you and the ones on the roundabout.

There is a law on the freeways over there... heavy vehicles MUST use the slow lane! There are no trucks doing 80 in the fast lane. Are you listening RTA?

And this brings me neatly into some awesome UAE road signs.


Beware of mumu's

BTW, this doesnt mean that you have to stop at that pedestrian crossing (not required by law) just try not to take him out

Roger that, no parking on the sign. BTW, the rule is if there's room then park away.

Who's crazy enough to ride a camel on the freeway?

Finally the sandy lands (no not Kyle, although we could bury him there)

Driving back from Al Ain we encountered a light breeze, not usually something worrying unless you are surrounded by sand dunes

The dunes around Al Ain are a very red colour, I would think because of the iron deposits in the rock around there

Thats better

It was so scary I nearly slowed down once!

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