Thursday, May 28, 2009

Crackers for AberDabers - First impressions... last

My what a long time since I was typing away here... and such a long way from home.

So, I finally packed my gigantic ass into a seat made for midgets and winged my way across several countries, oceans, people, greenies, boats and a buttload of sand and here I am! Aber Dabers!

And my first impressions are:


I hear a chorus of DEEEERRRRRR's out there... but trust me, it deserves to be said. Mrs pOWENed and I went for a walk last night, the bottle of water I was carrying went from ice cold to too warm to drink inside an hour.

Now I know, you just want to hear what the place is like dont you, well here goes.

First thing I suspect anyone will notice are the drivers, this is the kind of insanity preserved for the dwellers of mud huts that suddenly trade up from camel to Porsche Cayenne (a negligible improvement in looks it has to be said).
Jumping in the taxi for the ride to the airport involved travelling on a well trafficked free way at 160Km an hour in a Toyota Tarago-ish vehicle while flashing slower drivers, over taking in the emergency lane and going through road works. To be fair he did slow down to about 120 for the last one.
By the way there are speed cameras on that road... the posted limit is 120 but they are generally set to 160.

This is also an issue when I'm wandering the streets cos the locals never watch where they're going... they are too busy staring openly at me. I get my fair share of stares in Australia but here I'm truly a mutant, J would be buying me a lot of drinks (if he could find one) as I havent seen anyone here that comes close to my height.
There was one guy that I thought was tall... he was standing on a step...
Surprisingly even the girls in their full Burqa outfits stop and stare here.

Which brings me onto a question I have...

How do they check the passports on these girls when they arent even showing their eyes? One went through customs while I was there, the guy stamped her passport without seeing anything but black.

Now let me muck around with a few photos for you all, honestly, you're all so needy.

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